07587 134589

3 reasons to be VERY cheerful in lockdown

Enjoying your woodburner at home – the key to lockdown happiness!

It’s easy to feel a lot of doom and gloom in the midst of this Covid-19 pandemic, affecting every nook and cranny of life in Kent.

Yet there’s a lot of reasons to count your blessings as we continue to be near-locked down indoors, apart from the occasional shopping trip or exercise.

In fact, if you are feeling a bit ‘down’, here are three very-valid reasons as to why you have an excuse to be cheerful, despite what’s going on in the outside world, as recommended by James the Sweep, Master Chimney Sweep for Tunbridge Wells.

Reason 1: Your woodburner.

The weather in Kent – T Wells, Tonbridge, Southborough, etc – can blow hot and cold at this time of year. Wood burning stoves are there to be enjoyed! Why not take advantage of staying indoors and curl up in front of the fire with a nice drink and something to read? Nothing – really nothing – beats that relaxing effect of looking into the ruddy flames and feeling the comforting warmth emitted. Indoor fires give ultra comfort and ultra luxury. Wood burning stoves define ‘cosy’! Do make sure your chimney is in tip-top form though for the flames and call James (07587 134589) if you have any questions. James gives free-of-charge advice to customers in Kent and East Sussex.

Reason 2: Food.

There’s never been such a great excuse to enjoy food. Yes, people have stockpiled. Yes, you may be using an awful lot of tinned and frozen food. But the days of quick-sarnie-on-the-go have evaporated. Now’s the time to get out the Delia and Gordon books, put on an apron and conjure up culinary delights. Top of the list, of course (or rather on course) should be a chimney cake! Google ‘chimney cakes’ to get a perfect recipe. And if you have a camera to hand – feel free to send James a pic of your crumbtastic creation: info@jamesthesweep.co.uk

Reason 3: Beautiful environment.

This depends on your viewpoint at home. Yet the wider area of Kent is literally outstanding. Our rural surroundings can be fully appreciated like never before. There’s hardly a corner of the ‘garden of England’ which does not have a lovely view of the the nearby countryside. And in your daily exercise, there’s certainly a lot to be appreciated.

So there you go! Three simple reasons to feel cheerful if you live in Kent during this strange time!